Deconstructing Womanhood

By: Rosalyn Raelyn Ransaw

“Too often womanhood is defined in a restrictive manner — feminine, soft, and quiet. The aim of this series of photographs is to combat that understanding by presenting womanhood as fluid, loud and unwilling to remain in the background. Womanhood is not defined in a vacuum. Our cultures and worldview shape how we individually understand womanhood, and each of these photos represents a different view of how womanhood can be defined.”




Rosalyn Ransaw is an Ohio native and photography enthusiast. She received her B.A. in Political Science from Columbia University and aims to promote greater diversity in children’s literature in her budding writing career. Outside of photography, she loves to write, read and support Ohio sports teams.
Instagram: @photobyrosalyn


Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

12. June 2017 at 17:59

Depth. So much depth. I love this so much!

13. June 2017 at 2:50

I really love this new wave of inclusive and in your face feminism. It needed to happen and it makes me happier that we aren’t bending to the desires of those who are not ourselves.

Distinguished Diva

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