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Film Screening, Performance and Discussion July 1st, 2018

Film Screening, Performance and Discussion July 1st, 2018
We are super excited to invite you to our next event in Berlin on July 1st, 2018 at the Literaturhaus Berlin, where we collaborated with SALOON Berlin.
Reserve yourself some free tickets directly on Eventbrite!
Our objective in the production of this film screening, and everything we do, is to carve out a space that illuminates the visibility of women of colour. Berlin is a place of international cultural influence, yet women of colour are often excluded and unrepresented within respected cultural institutions. Film production is a collaborative creation with many necessary elements as well as access to capital. Distinguished Diva’s aim is to construct a bridge for women of colour filmmakers to connect creatively, as well as to facilitate a space for gatekeepers to meet the artists that they often assume do not exist.
S.H.E. Brunch 17.September 2017
S.H.E – a brunch series created by the Distinguish Diva Collective is a place for women of color to gather and care for one another through the offering of food, an ancestral tradition. The diaspora has been known to use food as healing, togetherness, and as a gesture of love. The S.H.E. stands for Sister Healing Experience. We gather in an accessible space and invite at least a dozen female identified women of the African Diaspora to prepare, cook, and expand together around the table.

Panel discussion 16.September 2017
As mainstream media becomes increasingly less reliable and blatantly exclusionary, what are the ways in which people can share information, resources and stories to advance self-organizing networks? What are the ways in which communities can advance self-organizing networks? Sasha Bonét (Editor, New York City), Adeola Aderemi (Editor, London), and Danielle Rosales (Designer, Paris) created a collective which creates digital and physical safe spaces for women of color. Our most recent discussion was held in collaboration with the New Museums IdeasCity (»100 actions for the future city«), to address the challenge of exchanging without the restrictions of physical space. Bringing these collective pioneers together in one physical space supported our mission to create an open platform of discourse together with a diverse gathering of the community. This is the first in the many of such panels to come, which we will be hosting everywhere in the world. Our mission is to bend the boundaries of digital and physical narrations and create a flexible and international network for women of color.