Category / Beauty / Yoga
How to get into Bow Pose for Beginners and Good Posture
I bend so I do not break. You are as young as the flexibility of your spine. We sit daily in postures that round our back, press our spine and shorten our…
31. July 2017 -
New Moon in Leo Ritual and How to get in Natarajasana
A Monday Moon in Leo is a great time to revisit your intentions for the month. How are you doing so far? Ask yourself sincerely and take the time to listen. This…
24. July 2017 -
Goddess Pose for Confidence and Travel
As we travel our body is under various pressure and hard condition for the spine and mood. This week I am sharing a very intense yet basic pose for an immediate increase…
1. July 2017 -
How to safely get into Garudasana for upper back flexibility and balance
Garudasana also known as Eagle pose is a balancing beginner pose. This is a perfect place to start your standing poses and balancing journey. Some of the benefits of the pose are:…
24. June 2017 -
Meditative Malasana for Grounding and Hip opening
Malasana is an asana that physically stretches the ankles, the groins, and back. Going back to the very basic of hip opening poses and emotional release. Watch the video to take tips…
16. June 2017 -
Dancing Warrior Yoga Flow for Grounding
Transformation begins from the inside out and this week we are channeling our inner warrior and reconnection with the universe. I hope you enjoy the full moon and find your inner warrior…
9. June 2017 -
Conscious Relaxation and Health Benefits of Child Pose
By: Adeola Naomi. Child pose also known as Balasana in Sanskrit is the most famous resting pose in the yoga practice. In this video, we learn how to consciously relax and how…
2. June 2017 -
Creator’s letter: Three steps to prepare you for the moon
As we are in the new moon and getting all set for another month, it is essential to holistically prepare yourself for the month. De-clutter your space and yourself. Clean yourself of…
26. May 2017 -
Yoga: Twisting Your way to body awareness and creativity
There will be no self-care without self-awareness. If you are not aware of your body and specifically your center, you cannot connect to your body and creative energy. Watch this week’s yoga…
12. May 2017 -
Heart Opening Yoga Flow Beginner Friendly
In this week’s yoga flow, we are reconnecting with our centre/self by opening up to the universe. Embracing vulnerability and learning to love from within us. Please watch the video and follow the instruction…
5. May 2017 -
The Magic of Conscious Deep Breathing
Conscious deep breathing has a direct effect on our physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual body. As we explore self-care in this issue, I will be sharing gentle basic yoga flows.…
28. April 2017
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